Exciting News!!!

Exciting News!!! Our Schools Pantry is expanding into new schools! Last week we took provisions to Sneyd Academy and St Luke’s Primary School, to support their students and their families with emergency food parcels.

The school’s pantry was launched back in 2019 when we had increasing reports that children were going into school hungry, lunch boxes contained very little and some children were eating very little when they were at home. No child should ever go hungry!! Alice charity will do whatever possible to ensure that.


Our Schools Pantry offers two sections firstly a mini pantry in which families can receive a people’s pantry food parcel including toiletries, cleaning products, nappies, and baby milk. We pride ourselves in giving out food that meets the family’s needs, catering to all dietary needs, we provide food that makes up nutritious meals. Each food parcel will contain items to make at least three breakfasts, three lunches, three evening meals and snacks for the whole family.

Secondly, the School Pantry offers a Grab & Go section for any children going into school hungry, any child without a snack or any child whose lunch box is a little empty. The grab and Go consists of foods such as cereal bars, fruit in jelly, porridge pots, cup a soup, dried fruit, crisps, crackers, jam, and meat paste. These items make sure no child is going hungry, some things can be given for breakfast, snack or lunch.

At Alice we are passionate that no child should ever go hungry and we will do whatever we can to ensure our children don’t go without such a basic requirement. Any school that need this service please get in touch with our lovely pantry manager Phil – Philip.rhodes@alicecharity.org or 01782 627017
