Boosting staff morale

Start boosting staff morale with charity…..

Have you ever thought about making charitable support a key part of your business strategy?

It is proven that supporting a charity that your staff believe In is a great way of engaging internal stakeholders in your values, as well as communicating to your customers that you are socially responsible organisation.

After the horrendous year that we have all experienced due to the devastating impact of Covid-19, show your staff and customers that you run a socially responsible organisation because:

  1. Consumers prefer businesses who care
  2. You’ll expand your network
  3. You’ll attract, engage and retain staff with similar values
  4. You’ll create memorable stories to tell
  5. Kindness is good for you

Where to start?

There are so many ways to get involved with charitable activities at work and the companies that have the biggest success are often those who take the lead from their employees. From bake sales to sky dives to embarrassing the boss to dress down days.

Want to support Alice charity?

We don’t receive any government funding and rely upon the kindness and generosity from our local community. We are only able to continue the work we do through our own fundraising, events and campaigns, which is getter harder and harder due to the impact of covid19.

Whether you have supported a charity or not before, we are here to help you kickstart your fundraising. One of our fundraisers will work with you to help you come up with a fundraising plan whether it’s a one-off event or a plan for the year.

We’d love to hear from you. Please email or give us a call on 01782 627017
