Community Play Groups
What is Big Cup?
It takes a community to raise a child
Becoming a new parent is one of life’s most wonderful times. But for some, this transition can be terrifying and completely isolating. With no support network to help financially or emotionally, the sudden responsibilities of new parenthood can be overwhelming. New families struggling on low incomes can find this time especially hard.
Big Cup helps families to overcome isolation by bringing them together with free weekly parent and toddler play groups across Newcastle & Stoke. Big Cup offers parents the opportunity to meet up with other local families. It offers the chance to discuss common concerns, to talk about the demands of a toddler and offers the space to smile and relax in friendly surroundings. Building a critical support network for parents.
Play & Friendship
Creating Community Support for Parents
Free weekly groups
for parents, babies & toddlers
New Mums suffer
with mental health problems
during pregnancy and the first year of the baby’s life.
Between September – December 2023 1809 toddlers attended our groups

Big Cup Groups
Please join us, no need to book.

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Alice Charity © 2011-2024 | 01782 614 838
Registered charity number 1148385 | Unit 19 | Whieldon Road Industrial Estate | Fenton
Stoke-on-Trent | ST4 4JP