Amazing People’s Pantry team feeds over 4000 children in 2021

Our amazing People’s Pantry team of volunteers fed 1,544 families in 2021, being 2,240 adults and 4,288 children – so supported 6,528 people across Newcastle and Stoke with 3 days of food, toiletries, and cleaning products, with nappies and baby formula where required. 349 families collected food from our People’s Pantry in Bridge Street in Newcastle, 1,073 families had food parcels delivered to their homes by this amazing team and 122 families received food parcels from us via one of our Community Pantry’s or School’s Pantry.

That’s a LOT of food, so a HUGE thank you to anyone who donated food, toiletries or cleaning products to us last year, and BIG love for those who provided pre-cooked hot meals feeding 640 people and packed lunches during school holidays feeding 121 children – thank you seems woefully inadequate, but thank you ?

Our People’s Pantry project is run by Phil Rhodes, our People’s Pantry Manager who joined us just one year ago and has significantly grown the project, building a team of twelve amazing volunteers. We asked them all what their goals are for 2022, to give a ‘sense’ of them and so we can help them achieve their goals….

Team goals for 2022 – Lee wants to beat his anxiety – Liz wants a healthy year, especially after last year – John wants to do more cycling – Colin wants to grow old disgracefully – Charlie wants to be more calm and fight his PTSD – Alison wants to keep enjoying her semi-retirement – Kath wants to make the best of every day – Ruth wants to take more time to listen and learn – Giulia wants to do more yoga and meditation – Sarah wants to challenge herself, and laugh more – James wants to be more organised – Penny wants to more healthy and make people smile – and last but by no means least, Phil wants to drink more water, eat healthier and exercise more.

If you would like to join this award winning, yes award-winning Team of Volunteers, please contact Phil on 01782 627107 or email him at Alternatively, if you would like to donate items, or donate £ so we can purchase what we are short of, also please contact Phil.

And to any family that is struggling to feed their family during these increasingly difficult times, please call us on 01782 627017, email us on or message us on face book as we’d love to help you, we really would xxxxxxxx
