Amazing news, Big Cup groups reopen

When we were told we could reopen Big Cup groups from 19th April 2021, it was a massive relief, but at the same time we knew we needed to get everything Covid safe again. We knew we had to sterilize all the toys. It was almost like starting the groups all over again.  We were very excited to be announcing we had 3 new venues in Norton, Fenton, and Chesterton. We were limited on numbers, so we created a booking system last year and we have continued with it as we can only have 15 parents at present.

We had a mix of reactions from the parents and children on the first week back. For some children the return was overwhelming. They were unused being out and about, worn out and over-stimulated. For some children it was going back to learning to share toys for the first time and being able to play near to other children again. Some children needed to stand back and watch what was going on to develop the confidence to join in again.  For children it’s really hard to understand what they are going through or feeling, and this has been a change for everyone. Some children walked straight in, took off their coats, and began to play or interact straightaway, they were just so excited to be back. 

This was the same for the staff, we felt overwhelmed and emotional being back, despite the fact that this was something we had been waiting for and something we were very passionate about. We want to make sure everyone feels comfortable and safe in the environment. We set the room up in a circle so that everyone can move around the room easily with social distancing, we have been doing some very exciting crafts and floor activities to challenge both children and parents. Sarah, Big Cup project worker said “It’s incredible to be back. Seeing familiar faces and welcoming new parents to the group, exciting times ahead!”

Our parents agreed, with one parent saying “It’s nice to be able to get out, for the children to socialise. Because some children haven’t been around anyone or any other children”. What a great feeling it is being back together!