Benign Essential Tremor awareness month

March is Benign Essential Tremor awareness month.

Essential tremor is considered one the most common neurological movement disorders, where people exhibit a rhythmic trembling of the hands, head, legs, trunk and/or voice. It can affect people of any age, gender, and race, in many cases it is inherited. An essential tremor is more commonly noticed with older individuals, but it can begin as early as birth.

Kayleigh, our HR assistant, has a benign essential tremor and shares her story: ‘I was diagnosed with a Benign essential tremor when I was eight years old, it came to light after I was in a school play after I was carrying a figgy pudding on a paper plate. I had to carry to the plate around the whole school hall and all my teachers were on the edge of there seats waiting for the figgy pudding to fall off. This is when my mum really noticed something was wrong. I was taken to hospital and had lots of tests conducted, I was quickly diagnosed with benign essential tremor. I was put on medication, but the side effects of the medication were too much, and I decided to stop taking them and just dealt with my condition. It does impact life in some ways such as not being able to go into certain professions such as medicine or the military. I can have some bad days where I cannot carry drinks or at my worst, I have not been able to write. It is affected by emotions (especially adrenalin) being tired, being excited or just sometimes it is just a bad day. Now as I am older, I have learnt to role with my condition and accept it, I can even see the funny side and make jokes. It is part of me and actually I have now grown to love it, it makes me who I am.’
