Community Junction Café 

Feeding Families

People’s Pantry, School Pantry & Community Pantry.

people in the UK have a learning disability


of Autistic adults in England aren’t getting the support they need


less adults with learning disabilities attend day sessions, compared to before COVID-19

Community Junction Café 

Since September 2021, Alice Charity has been involved in an exciting partnership with Newfriars College, an Independent Specialist Day College in North Staffordshire dedicated to supporting young people with learning difficulties and disabilities aged 16–25. Together, we laid the foundations for the Community Junction Café. 

The Community Junction Café project provides an opportunity for Newfriars Students to work on building their employability skills and prepare for adulthood by taking up various roles in a working café. Alice Charity champions inclusion for all and this project allows students to gain invaluable skills, regardless of their needs. 

The café currently runs two days per week with students working together to prepare and serve tasty meals to the ever-growing team of staff and volunteers at Alice Charity. The aim is for this to grow, and extend this opportunity to as many as possible, so there are big plans to secure a bigger premises so that we can open to the public. Watch this space! 

If you are interested about the project, please contact us via