This father of 3 has proudly stood by his wife through thick and thin. She unfortunately suffers with a Neuropathic Pain disorder, a condition that’s said to be absolutely unbearable. Most suffers can describe symptoms such as stabbing, chronic prickling, tingling, and burning sensations.

Mum’s life and movements are limited and depends almost entirely on dad for support. After things couldn’t get more complicated, their lives came crashing down earlier this summer when they learned that mum now has skin cancer. She is currently enduring numerous operations, in a hospital that is far from home and her loved ones.

Things were looking bleak for this unfortunate family, so what did we do to help?

If you’ve looked after a sick relative, you know how making ends meet can be rather difficult and time consuming. Our fantastic Family Support Team provided the family with food, ensuring their 3 meals a day, which relieved them of much stress and worry. We also delivered passes to Dimensions and Apedale Valley Light Railway. Although mum is very poorly, these wonderful gestures meant that dad was able to spend quality time with his 3 wonderful children, making their days a little bit brighter.

Alice Charity will continue to support this lovely family for as long as they need us, but we need your help. We receive no government funding for our work and our services run entirely off the generosity of our amazing supporters. Join Family Fiver today and make huge transformations to families living in your community.