This single Dad did just this. After a woeful separation with his partner, Dad and Daughter became temporarily homeless.

This new family had no option other than to move in with Grandma. Gran’s house has 2 bedrooms, but sadly it’s all-ready crowded because Uncle and Cousin also live there too. After waiting for months for their own place to call home, they were finally offered a property.

Unfortunately, their new flat wasn’t close to family anymore, this quickly became very distressful and it sadly resulted in the family feeling displaced. Grandma now lives across the city, it would take an hour and 2 buses to get there. Although this new home was everything they needed, the distance left them isolated. Furthermore, Dad also heavily relies on his family for child care support and he was left with no options.

So, what did we do?

Our amazing Family Support Team championed this family and worked with the council to get Dad and his little girl closer to home. Enabling them to find their own independence after a difficult breakup and a strained relocation. Moving closer to Grandma and Uncle meant that Dad is now able to return to work, he is in a stable and comfortable environment, where help is readily available. This successful rehoming effort relived them both of much stress and anxiety.

This work couldn’t happen without your support.

The reality is that a tragic crisis can happen at any time, to anyone. Our support services are in high demand and every day our list of vulnerable children and families is ever-growing. This family, like many others could have slipped through the net and could have experienced unnecessary hardship from the drastic changes brought upon them.

We need your urgent support to help these communities receive the vital and on-going care and attention they deserve. Make a difference and join Family Fiver today.

Where are they now?

Since our initial visit, our wonderful Family Support Team have continued to support both Dad and Grandma with emotional and practical support.

Their dedicated Family Support Worker is helping them to prepare for a new life, in what seems to be quite scary and uncertain times. Because of their successful re-homing, Dad plans to return to work after the summer holidays. Our team is helping Dad and Gran to prepare for this new adventure, together they are already planning their future and child care support.

The Alice Team have also been on quite a mission over the past few months, collecting essential household items, to help them to turn a modest flat into a brand-new family home. And we have more great news – this coming week, the very kind RBS team of Newcastle will be reaching for their paintbrushes, putting the finishing touches to their new journey. Dad and Daughter are both very excited to create new and happy memories in their home, and it’s all thanks to their wonderful community.