Covid-19 and the Team

Covid-19 has impacted everyone and if it shows us nothing else it has shown just how fragile life can be. Alice supports vulnerable and disadvantaged families, so obviously a global pandemic was going to see demand for support increase. Demand has grown more than we could have envisaged, but our hard working and passionate team have truly stepped up to ensure families get the support they so desperately need.

Our services have adapted to the times and we have put new remote practices in place to support families, we could not do this without an amazing staff and volunteers. Each facing their own challenges such as home schooling, shielding, or supporting vulnerable family members, yet continue to face their challenges and go out of their way to support others. Our family support manager Kelly Dunnings said, ‘ I feel really proud that we have been able to step up and help families during this difficult time, we have conducted lots of wellbeing calls and really built relationships with families that are struggling, we have continued to deliver essential items ensuring family’s needs continue to be met’.

We have seen lots of new faces coming to volunteer during the pandemic and it is heart-warming to see a community pull together. Jody Knapper began volunteering at the Peoples Pantry after being furloughed, ‘ I am always wanted to give back and do something good for others, whilst being furloughed but I didn’t know what do, I heard about Alice Charity and began volunteering in the pantry. It has helped my mental health by keeping me busy and it has taught me and my children the importance of giving back and supporting others. It has been overwhelming to see how kind and generous people are with their donations and it is heart-warming to see the quantity of food given to a family, knowing they won’t go without.’.

If you are interested in volunteering or would like to know more please get in touch with HR Director Kayla Poole – or 01782 627017
