Criminology & Criminal Justice student shocked at levels of local poverty

We have recently had the lovely Courtney join us at Alice for six weeks as part of her placement. Courtney is currently completing her Masters in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Alongside completing her masters, she is also working nightshifts as a carer, so Courtney is well versed in understanding the needs of people. Before beginning her placement she didn’t know a lot about the services Alice provides families and was really interested in finding out more. Whilst being at Alice, Courtney has been conducting wellbeing calls, home visits, supporting at the Peoples Pantry, helping out with Easter referrals and generally helping out within the office.
I asked Courtney about her placement: ‘It has been really interesting finding out about the different needs of families. There are so many different situations and I never realised how much support was needed. I always knew Stoke and Newcastle has poverty, but not to the extent that I have seen whilst being at Alice. It has been a really eye-opening experience, I have thoroughly enjoyed every moment and I’m sad that my placement has come to an end. I especially enjoyed going out on home visits and doing wellbeing calls.’
We want to thank Courtney for all of her hard work ❤
If you are interested in finding out how to get involved at Alice Charity please get in touch on: 01782 627017