Friday 50p

Can you help local families this Christmas?

Try to imagine the heartbreak of not being able to provide a wonderful Christmas for your family. Our family traditions include sharing a tin of chocolates when putting up our Christmas tree and enjoying a Christmas dinner together. What are your Christmas traditions?

Unbelievably, too many of the families that we support do not even have the bare essentials. Some don’t have carpets on the floor, beds to sleep in or fridges to keep food fresh. Many don’t have enough food to eat or shoes that fit.

Throughout December you, your school, workplace or community group can help by donating 50p each. Why not organise a dress down/dress up day, bake some cakes, open a tuck shop or make and sell Christmas cards? You could even organise a raffle and sell tickets to family, friends and colleagues. The possibilities are endless and the funds you raise could make Christmas a reality for local families.

Alice charity is a local charity that supports disadvantaged and vulnerable families in your community. The children that we support may sit next to your children or grandchildren at school or maybe they are related to the staff that work for you. Sadly, this year we have had more referrals than ever before and the demand for our support is increasing every day. People who have worked all their lives have been made redundant and many others are unable to work because they are too ill or because they need to look after a family member. At Alice we want to ensure that these families are supported but we need your donations to make sure that we can continue to do this. On its own 50 pence doesn’t seem a lot but if you can encourage a whole school to all donate 50 pence then that would make a massive difference. Lots of 50 pence pieces soon add up.


Help Alice #sayyestochristmas