Get Talking

At Alice charity we are passionate about training! Helping our team to unleash their true potential and enabling them to reach their goals has always been a key focus. Through continual professional development our dedicated team can quickly implement their newest learnings into Alice, helping us all to provide the best support we can to local families.

As with everything during the pandemic things changed. There was no face to face learning, everything became remote. The team worked hard and turned their hand to many e-learning courses, zoom webinars, teams discussions and all of the other digital learning opportunities to ensure there knowledge was up to date. Online learning has been difficult for many, not only have we had to struggle with connectivity issues, struggling Wifi, children at home and all the other balls we have to juggle, but we have had to learn a new method of learning. Concentrating for hours on end at a small screen is not the easiest of challenges, then bring in a lengthy PowerPoint presentation and our eyes become heavier and heavier by the second. But they did it by adapting and working hard,  continuing to learn through an increasingly challenging time, a global pandemic lockdown.

What I want to share is our first team training, semi face to face. We recommenced our Get Talking training with Staffs University last week and our team did it together with Nic and Ryan from the university joining us via teams. It was a small group to help remain socially distanced, but it was a start. To see that group together, learning together, having fund, left us with a feeling that a new normal is on its way…….