Offering continuous learning opportunities

At Alice we are passionate about helping people to develop and learn, whether that be the families we support, our team or the student placements we take on. With our many projects and diverse training opportunities we can provide unique learning opportunities. Alice charity placements have been formed to support medical students, mental health students, student midwives, childcare students, social welfare advice policy and law practice, health and social care students and social work students.

Vicky has joined us for her 70-day placement as part of her social work degree. Vicky has spent her first few weeks learning all about Alice charity, she has been shadowing some of the family support workers, finding out all about the different systems and software’s used and all the processes involved within family support. Vicky has quickly picked up how to use the CRM system and has been completing and uploading referral forms. With Easter eggs coming in left right and centre, Vicky has been a tremendous help to ensure no child goes without an easter eggs this year.

On top of family support, Vicky has been learning about the different projects Alice charity offers and has been down to the Peoples Pantry to help make up emergency food parcels.

We asked Vicky to comment on her placement: ‘I feel really lucky to have a great placement, there are lots of learning opportunities and a clear plan is made to ensure I meet all of the learning objectives needed for my course. I have been able to spend time speaking to families and begin developing a rapport with them to allow me to be able to support them. The role is really varied, I have spent time doing lots of things to give me a clear understanding of what Alice does.’

Alice charity is proud to be able to offer continuous learning opportunities, if you would like to know more please get in touch with Kayla Poole – or 01782 627017.