Phil shares his experiences as People’s Pantry Manager

Phil Rhodes, who joined us as People’s Pantry Manager at the start of this year, shares the experiences of his first couple of months: since I started working at Alice Charity no two days have been the same and the saying ‘Variety is the spice of life ‘definitely rings true when it comes to Alice. You get to speak to and meet (socially distant of course) a lot of different people on a daily basis and they are people from all walks of life, whether it be someone accessing our services, volunteering, colleagues or donating to us. There is always one thing that I have found in everyone that I have met so far and that is the amount of care and passion everybody has for the Alice Charity and the families that we support.

There’s always plenty of work to get done and if you stay still for too long somebody will find you something else to do. At the People’s Pantry it’s certainly no different, we are always on the move maintaining the pantry, stocking shelves, stock rotation, making food parcels for families but also a massive part is supporting the families who visit the pantry. Having that conversation with somebody can make a massive difference to someone’s day, it could be a fellow worker, a family or someone donating but just taking that little bit of time to get to know someone can mean so much.

I have loved getting to know everyone involved with the Alice Charity and seeing the Alice values of Kindness, compassion, respect and courage being enforced through everything that is done. There is never any judgement from anyone at Alice, with everyone living by the motto ‘never judge a book by its cover’

If you think this is something you would like to get involved with please get in touch either via our website, phoneme on 01782 627017 or contacting me directly on