So much more than ‘just a carpet’

We have been supporting a lady who needed carpets for her home. She was on our waiting list for quite a while as we only having access to one carpet funder, whose eligibility criteria is very strict, so the process for carpets is rather a lengthy one. As with all applications for carpets, we first obtained a quote from our local carpet fitter and submitted it, along with an in depth report about the family and their situation including what a huge difference carpets would make to their daily lives, to the funders for their consideration.

We were gutted when the application was declined so we discussed this case with our Family Support Director, Emily, as we felt that it was imperative that funding was sourced for this family. Both children in this family have additional needs and without any carpet in their home it was rather noisy, which was causing issues with the neighbours and causing a lot of stress for Mum. On top of that, it was costing a lot of money to heat the home and the bare floors were collecting a lot of dust, no matter how many times a day that Mum vacuumed the floors. Many people would think ‘it’s just a carpet’ but this family were really at breaking point, and desperately needed an act of kindness to make their daily burden just a little bit lighter.  Emily decided that Alice charity should fund the carpets for this family’s home as the impact would be immeasurable.  The carpets were fitted quickly by local carpet fitter, Steve, and Mum is delighted, telling us  “I am so grateful and can’t believe the difference it has made, it is much warmer and the stairs are so soft to walk up now. The noise has been massively reduced and I really can’t put into words the difference it has made. I am so pleased and would recommend Steve to anyone as he has been brilliant.” 

We have a huge waiting list of other families that desperately need carpets where we cannot access external funding as they ‘do not fit the criteria’ – this is heart-breaking for us as we know the difference that carpets can make to a family: making them quieter, safer and warmer, restoring pride for families, turning their house into a home.  Can you help support a family with carpets? Maybe you could fundraise with your family or work colleagues to raise some much needed funds to help us to buy carpets?  Or are you a local company, looking to make a difference in your local community? If so, please get in touch with Steph Bradbury, our Fundraising Manager, on or call 01782 627017.