Social work student secures cookers for local families

We love having work placements at Alice charity and have been blessed over the past couple of weeks to have been joined by Vicky, a social work student from Staffordshire University. Vicky has been working hard, mastering the systems that we use and integrating into the team. 

This week Vicky has successfully completed 2 funding applications and had them both accepted, working with the families to gather all the information that she needed, including financial information, to enable her to write a report as part of the application process. 

For one family, she secured funding for an electric cooker. This family is a single parent family living on a low income. There are 4 children living in the property, one of whom suffers extreme anxiety. Mum and children had fled domestic abuse and were starting over, leaving them without the funds to provide this essential item. Vicky quickly made contact with mum to talk her through the process, putting her mind at ease and got all of the information that she needed to complete the funding application.

The second family have three young children and were living in temporary accommodation, with no means of cooking meals or storing food, so a huge chunk of their available funds was spent on providing food daily. They were given a permanent property but had to move in with nothing. Mum is pretty savvy so managed to source most of the items that she needed from facebook selling pages and free sites, but was struggling to source an electric cooker. Vicky called mum to gather some more information and talk her through the process of the funding application. She was able to provide mum with some relief that there was someone able to help her.

Can you help Alice?  Maybe you have a few hours spare a week and would like to volunteer to help us? If so, can you please contact Kayla on or call her on 01782 627017. We have lots of projects that support our most disadvantaged, vulnerable families which offer lots of different volunteering opportunities.

