Staffs Uni student loves Big Cup

I am a second-year Social Work student on a placement at Alice Charity from Staffordshire University and as part of the placement, I have attended some Big Cup sessions.
Before my first time attending, I was nervous as I didn’t know what to expect, I spoke to Danielle about my nerves before the session. However, she was very reassuring and put my mind at ease. As the session started, I calmed down as I saw how friendly the families were and how excited the children were for the sessions. After speaking to most of the families it was clear that they loved this group and they all expressed how much they needed it especially after the pandemic.
I got a lot of practical experience for my degree in this setting in communicating, building relationships and developing listening skills. However, aside from that I mostly learned how valuable these groups are within the communities, and how important they are to the parents that do not always have an adult to talk to at home. These groups are a safe place for families to relax and share their experiences with like-minded families while their children can explore and play and make new friends.
Attending this group gave me a sense of community and how people pulling together in difficult times can benefit the well-being of families.