This summer, a single Mum of 4 has made incredible improvements with our Family Support Team. Unfortunately, home life wasn’t perfect, and all had seemed lost for this family. Her children are on child protection and after working with various agencies and services, they collectively decided that Mum would never be able to carry out those significant decisions needed to change her situation.

So, what did we do?

With unconditional love and much understanding, we have been able to transform her life. She is highly engaged with our services, she is maintaining superb standards within the home, and furthermore she is now making those very important life changing choices. An amazing step-up for this family.

Lack of confidence can have lasting detrimental effects; Alice Charity believes that empowering families can bring wonderful changes to the most difficult situations. Mum’s uncertainty sadly thrived on her lack of self-belief, and consequently she was never confident enough to work on her problems for fear of doing something wrong in the eyes of the agencies involved.

Her new-found pride has brought much positivity to the picture, she just needed the right people to believe in her. We’ve found that compassion can help the most vulnerable families achieve the most fantastic results.

Alice Charity will continue to help Mum and her family for as long as they need us, but we need your support. We receive no government funding for our work and our services run entirely off the generosity of our wonderful supporters like you. Join Family Fiver today and make huge transformations to families living in your community.