Two Alice team babies during lockdown

The past year has seen two of our Alice ladies bring two beautiful boys into the world. They have shared updates and photos of their babies with the team, so even though we haven’t seen these bundles of joy in person, we have been able to share some the magical experiences having a new baby brings.

Maternity leave has been very different for these ladies, family support worker Aoife has shared, ‘ Maternity leave is completely different than I could have imagined, some positive some negative.  Having my husband working from home, has meant that he has had much more time with baby and not missed out on any of those special first moments, such as when he first rolled over.  I have had the food shop delivered, so now a trip to the shops is a big deal and my anxiety is heightened, it’s going to be very daunting the first time I have to leave him.. I feel sad for my little boy that he has missed out on seeing friends and family and they have missed his younger months.’  We wish Aoife all the best for the best of her maternity leave and look forward to her return in July.

For HR Assistant Kayleigh maternity leave is coming to an end and she is itching to sink her teeth back into the world of work. So much so that Kayleigh has been using Keeping in Touch days (KIT) to get back into the swing of the Alice world. After a day Kayleigh was back up to speed and conducting a training session with a few members of the team. Kayleigh supported members of the team with training around creating a business start, helping them to develop and utilise a plan for new Alice projects. ‘It’s a relief to be back at work and to get a bit of normality back after the upheaval of COVID-19 and the challenges it bought having a bay in the midst of it.  Like the rest of the country, I’m looking forward to being back in the office and seeing all of the team when possible but for now I am just happy to be back in whatever way I can.’ Kayleigh will be retuning fully to the role in March, we wish her a restful last few weeks of her maternity leave.


