Virtual Christmas Tree

It’s that time of year where donations to Alice charity are more important than ever and after all they do say ‘T’is the season of goodwill’ so please support our Baubles campaign to spread some festive cheer.

Christmas for most is that time of year that brings a smile and a sense of happiness, joy excitement and laughter, however for vulnerable and disadvantaged families across Stoke and Newcastle it’s a time of dread, real dread: it’s the worry of where next meal is coming from; it’s the knot in a parents tummy knowing anticipating their children’s tears and heartache when Santa hasn’t been; and the sadness in our local children who already know that Christmas isn’t going to happen at their home again this year. 

If so then our Christmas Bauble campaign page is just for you, where you can purchase your very own virtual bauble on the Alice Charity Virtual Christmas Tree. 


Here is what you need to do: 

  • You guessed it a QR code – 2020 has certainly made them the new normal and we have created our very own to get you started. 
  • Scan it and you will find the Christmas Bauble campaign page OR go to then simply press click here you will be transported to Alice’s festive, snowy magical setting where you will find our Virtual Christmas Tree taking centre stage in a winter wonderland setting.
  • There you will need to press the donate button in the top left-hand corner and you will be asked to choose your very own tree decoration. 
  • You will then be guided to choose the perfect place for your chosen tree decoration
  • You will be able to take all the steps to personalise it, add a photo and set up your very own ecard.
  • When you have finished hover over the Alice Charity Virtual Christmas Tree, sit back and enjoy.  


Share this magical Christmas setting and spread the Christmas joy. 

We thought this could be something you may want to let everyone know about in your office, maybe even add the link onto your website or share in your family Whats App group to help Alice Charity spread Love and kindness supporting local families this Christmas.

I hope you enjoy the Christmas bauble experience as much as we do, it has certainly brought many a smile here at Alice Charity head office. We cannot wait to see your messages and photos, and remember that your donations will enable us to #SayYeaToChristmas. 

Thank you one and all for purchasing your Alice bauble!