What a difference a bed mattress can make!

We have recently supported a widowed mother who has 3 children, one of which who suffers from severe chiropractic back and spine issues, who also has severe allergies to most materials.

Due to health issues and the complex needs of one of her children this meant that her daughter had to sleep on the sofa as she did not have a suitable mattress. The family found themselves in financial hardship following the tragic death of her husband in 2017. As a result, her daughter was in pain at night, this meant that she was sleep-deprived and it was impacting her mental and physical health. The child was missing vital lessons at school due to her health issues and not having a safe and suitable place to sleep at night. Her daughter needed a specialised orthopaedic mattress. We knew that something needed to be actioned quickly as we were aware of the detrimental impact this was having on the child and the family.

The impact of Alice charity being able to provide this specialist mattress to this little girl has been significant, arriving just in time for her to start a new school term. Mum said this new safe, mattress has “given her a comfortable, restful sleep, which is helping her mental health in turn”.

We were able to provide this specialised mattress to this little girl thanks to the ongoing support from local people and businesses, we thank you for your unconditional love and kindness.
