Alice Charity was founded in 2011 with the mission of providing support for vulnerable and disadvantaged families in Stoke-on-Trent and Newcastle-Under-Lyme. We believe in providing strong foundations and diverse services to help individuals thrive. Our unwavering commitment to wellness, kindness, and community advancement drives us to develop sustainable solutions, support families, and make a difference. 

We understand that everyone’s circumstances are unique, so our belief is that we can use our network of resources to cater to everyone’s requirements. The comprehensive support on offer ranges from running a food bank to delivering educational resources and providing advocacy and mentoring. Our support helps to change lives, creating strong foundations for people and acting as a steady place to go in the community.  

In 2023 alone, Alice Charity… 

  • Supported 7,688 children 
  • Completed 4,470 home visits  
  • Made 4,385 wellbeing calls 
  • Held 320 Big Cup parents and toddler groups 
  • Provided 21,015 emergency meals which fed 914 adults and 1,421 children 


Family Services 

Our approach is as individual as the families we’re helping. No judgement, just compassionate, confidential help and expert support. 

We help families facing isolation, the effects of post-natal illness, disability or mental health issues, bereavement, multiple births, poverty or financial difficulties, or a whole range of other challenges. 

The help we give each family is unique and depends entirely on their circumstances, requirements and what they want help with. 


Big Cup 

The earliest years make the biggest impact, we makes sure those years count. 

Children’s essential social, emotional and life skills are developed when they are babies and young children.  Those who have stable, loving, consistent, fun childhoods have a greater chance of developing into healthy teenagers and happier adults, with better job prospects, healthy relationships and improved mental and physical health. 

We believe that it is crucial to spend time with parents and their young children. 

Big Cup supports families by bringing families together with free weekly parent and toddler play group sessions across Newcastle and Stoke, giving them the space and time to meet new people and build a critical support network. 


People’s Pantry 

We believe that no child should ever go hungry and that all families in our community should have access to food when they find their fridge and pockets empty. The People’s Pantry provides a three-day emergency supply of food, baby products, and toiletries to local families who find themselves without the basic living essentials they desperately need. 


Our Mission Needs You 

There are 4.3 million children growing up in poverty in the UK, with 38% of all children in the West Midlands currently living in poverty. 

Alice Charity is trying to break the poverty cycle, improve lives, and change communities. With your support we can spread awareness to better our community and get one step closer to our goal.  

Get in touch with us today.