Life can be a nightmare for single parents, especially when they have no relations or support their local area. Or how they can’t work the time needed, because of restrictions around school… or how they’re alone, but still carrying shared debts.

This working Mum’s position wasn’t great and sadly she had to resort to a 1 year hold on her university education to attend to her daughter’s needs; sadly, she suffers with severe asthma and behavioural problems.

Unfortunately, many rented properties in our local areas do not come with fitted carpets, and too often many are removed before the new tenants move in. Like this single Mum, if you’ve left a difficult relationship, the pay out on a new carpet may just be entirely out the question for your already very tight and slim budget.

Mum had to make difficult decisions on many occasions, but having no appropriate flooring often means cold, damp and dusty environments; causing various health and safety issues such as chest and eye infections, also often resulting in cuts, bruising, and slipping incidents.

So, what did we do?

Our fantastic Support Team sourced new carpets for this family’s home, and we’re so glad to hear that it’s already made a huge difference to their lives, and we also hope to see an improvement on the young girl’s health very soon.

‘The carpet has had a hugely positive impact. I do not have so much of a worry that the gas bill will be too high as the carpet helps to retain heat and insulate my room. I have been in my home for 4 years and it finally feels complete, like a home. My cousin commented on how it has completed the house.’

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