Our Family Support Team were contacted by a distraught grandparent whose daughter’s house had caught fire, completely destroying the upstairs of her home. The fire left Mum and her two sons, both under two years old, in a very desperate position.

They are blessed to have the support of their wonderful family, but the demands on the grandparents are so huge and urgent that they cannot provide everything that their daughter and grandchildren need.

So, what did we do?

We were able to support immediately with clothing, cots, mattresses, bedding, bed-guards, a stairgate, cold water steriliser and plenty of nappies.

Alice will continue to support this lovely family for as long as they need us, but we need your help. We receive no government funding for our work and our services run entirely off the generosity of our amazing supporters. Join Family Fiver today and make huge transformations to families living in your community.