Figures have soared by a shocking 10,000 in the past 4 years.

Since June, our wonderful Family Support Team have assisted to a family of 4 with the most unfortunate circumstances. After the family’s initial visit to our People’s Pantry, it was clear they needed more help than emergency food parcels and toiletries.

Dad is very sick, he is sadly suffering from dementia and prostate cancer, alongside many other complicated illnesses. Mum and their 2 Daughters all care for Dad and are his official carers, however he requires further professional support services, which is very costly to the family.

This already low-income household have been hit hard by numerous budget cuts. In March 2018, local authorities saw £6.3bn cut from adult social care; for 35 hours per week, the carer’s allowance is currently worth under £63 per week, leaving for caretaker’s very little to live on.

After making an attempt to move forward, their eldest Daughter attended university, but sadly after a short time there it was evident her mental health was quickly deteriorating; it was during a visit home she was admitted to hospital with psychosis. Tragically it is reported that 45% of young carers suffer with mental health issues.

There has been no financial support for the Daughter whilst she has been unwell, inevitably this has heavily impacted on the family’s already stretched income. With our Little Kindnesses project, we successfully acquired funding for clothing and footwear for her youngest daughter. And with our Lean In project, we support Mum on a regular basis with emotional well-being care. Helping her to organise her thoughts and express her concerns and worries in a safe environment.

Alice Charity will continue to help this family for as long as they need us, but we need your support. We receive no government funding for our work and our services run entirely off the generosity of our wonderful supporters like you. Join Family Fiver today and make huge transformations to families living in your community